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Tickets and FAQ

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Drag Performance 2021
  • What is the history of Lezapalooza?
    Our Grand Poobah, Liz, was sitting on her porch at Fort Chubbs with friends early November 2020. She began daydreaming while looking over her (at the time) 5 acre property. She said, “Wouldn't it be so awesome to just fill this yard with a shit load of lesbians camping in tents for a weekend?” Naturally, everyone agreed that it would probably be the best thing ever. A couple months later, some time in February, Liz reached out to her friends Carina, Jess and Melissa to see if they would be interested in taking on the feat of planning a WLW festival in the short amount of time we had before the next winter began. That was that! Lezapalooza was born and our first retreat was held in September of 2021. It was a complete success. Liz, Carina, Jess and Melissa, with the help of so many volunteers from the community, pulled it off and intend to do it over and over because we need this for ourselves just as much as our community needs it. A space to call our own where we can forget about the real world and be free for a long weekend of love and community.
  • When is the Weekend? What are the hours?
    The Lezapalooza Camping Weekend will be Friday, September 27th through Sunday, September 29th, 2024. Gates open at 1 pm on Friday and we would like you to be there no later than 5pm. All Campers must be off the property by 3pm September 29th. For VIC pass holders, Lezapalooza can begin one day earlier on Thursday, September 26th at 3pm. You must arrive before 7pm as that's when registration will close, Volunteers will be invited to arrive on Thursday at 2pm as a thank you for helping us at camp. We do ask that you give us 1 additional hour of help if you come on Thursday.
  • Where is Lezapalooza?
    Lezapalooza is in North New Jersey. We will not share the address of camp outside of that until much closer to the event for your and our safety. When you do learn of this retreats address, please do not share with others who are not coming to camp. Keep it vague when others ask. Please do not tag this retreats address in your Instagram or Facebook Post.
  • Who attends the Weekend? Who is this for?
    The Weekend draws an incredibly diverse crowd in terms of age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and identity. This is a sapphic space curated for Lesbian women, however anyone who is a WLW in any capacity, including our non-binary family who find a sense of comfort and community in women centered spaces are welcome. Trans women of a sapphic nature are welcome. This is not a retreat for men. Note that anytime Lezapalooza utilizes the word "women '' we are referencing trans and cis women. Any time we utilize the word "men" we are referencing trans and cis men. With regard to these guidelines, we trust that all those interested in coming have the ability to evaluate their own potential presence at this retreat.
  • When do tickets go up for sale?
    Tickets go up for sale on 6/15/24 until sold out or until 9/1/24.
  • How much will Lezapalooza tickets cost?
    Lezapalooza tickets are priced differently depending on where you sleep. Tickets start at TBD FOR 2024 for tent camping and go up from there. Cabin bunk tickets and platform tickets are more. In addition, a higher priced ticket option to come to camp starting Thursday will be available.
  • What is a VIC PASS? Here are ALL the details. Please read!
    A very important camper pass is an add on to your general admission ticket. This pass allows you to come to camp for an additional day, Thursday. VIC campers MUST be able to arrive to camp between 3pm and 7pm on Thursday. If you cannot arrive before 7pm, please do not purchase this pass. Be aware, we may still be setting up when you arrive! We have a very special evening planned for our VICs. Details will be posted on Instagram! You will be permitted to leave camp Friday morning between the hours of 7am and 10am to get breakfast. This is the ONLY time campers are allowed to leave camp and return, and these times must be followed strictly for everyone's safety. You cannot purchase this pass through our website. When purchasing your general ticket, you will be asked if you would like a VIC Pass. If you check "yes" you will receive an email with directions of how to Venmo us for your pass. There are 50 available. They are first purchased first serve so the sooner you Venmo us for your pass, the more likely you are to receive yours. These passes are $52.44.
  • Can I just come for some of the festival? Day passes?
    We have very limited Day pass tickets available. You MUST arrive between 8am and 10am and leave by midnight. Please do not purchase a day pass if you can not arrive in that time period on Saturday, September 30th. If you purchase a day pass, please remember that you should be sober so you can drive yourself home by midnight.
  • I am a volunteer! When can I come to camp?
    All volunteers are not required to come but are invited to come to camp on Thursday. We give our volunteers an extra night at camp as a thank you for helping us run this retreat. Yall are the real VICs. We do ask for 1-3 additional hours of volunteer time if you come on Thursday. Unfortunately, we cannot allow our volunteers a plus one for Thursday. Anyone you want to come with you would need to either be a volunteer also or purchase a VIC Pass. If coming Thursday, you'll need to arrive between 2 and 4pm. Please do everything in your power to arrive in that time period. The absolute latest you can arrive is 7pm. If you are not coming Thursday, we ask that you come between 11am and 3pm Friday. The latest you can arrive to camp on Friday is 9pm.
  • Can I have a refund?
    All SALES ARE FINAL - Refunds go as follows: Full refund up to midnight 7/1/24 %50 refund up until midnight 8/1/24 %20 refund up until midnight 9/1/24 After you request a refund AND are refunded the $$, the transaction is final, your ticket to Lezapalooza is void and you cannot enter the retreat without purchasing another available ticket. Refund will not include any fees.
  • What if it is a wash out?
    Lezapalooza is rain or shine! So come prepared for a wash out and hope for 70s and sunshine. If Lezapalooza has to be canceled due to severe weather or a resurgence of Covid-19 (of which the vaccine does not help protect) there is no guarantee of any refunds. If money is left over after paying all our bills for the retreat, we may try to return some funds however this is not guaranteed.
  • How big is a platform tent? What is it?
    A platform tent is 14 foot by 14 foot square. Its big yall! Its an elevated wooden deck about 1 foot off the ground with a tent already up on it. These are sold for 2 people or for 4 people. If you are one person who wants a platform tent, you can purchase a two person, it will just cost you more. This is the same for if you are 3 people, you would purchase a 4 person tent. After you purchase a 2 or 4 person platform, you will be sent a form within 72 hours to give us the other occupants information that are in your tent. You must respond ASAP with this information.
  • Do I need to be vaccinated?
    No We've lifted our requirement to provide documentation of vaccination status at registration. However, we still strongly suggest that you are up to date on all vaccinations and/or boosters before coming to camp. Also, our policy that you should not come to camp sick is still fully intact. We recommend that you be incredibly careful for the seven days prior to camp so you don't get sick and can come and enjoy the weekend. Do not come to camp sick!
  • Can I transfer my tickets?
    Tent tickets, Single Cabin Bunk tickets, and RV/Car tickets are not transferable. You must ask for a refund if it is available. NOTE: This is different from last year. If you purchased a Whole Cabin, tickets within that cabin OUTSIDE of the person who bought the cabin are transferable up until 9/1/23. If you purchased a Platform Tent ticket, campers within that platform tent can transfer tickets up until 9/1/23.
  • Are there discounts or scholarships?
    Lezapalooza does all we can to keep this event as accessible to as many people as possible, including those facing financial challenges as well as our BIPOC sisters and family. We offer a discount to those who are willing to volunteer. We are happy to be able to offer The Lezapalooza Scholarship to help defray the expenses associated with coming to the event. The amount available varies and is dependent upon contributions. For more information about the scholarship and/or to apply for a scholarship please email us at If you are someone who is interested in buying a ticket for someone who may be in need of financial assistance, please reach out to us at All Scholarship forms must be in no later than (date TBD). Decisions will be made on a rolling basis, but all decisions will be made and final by (Date TBD) and you will be notified if we are able to accommodate your request. An email will be sent as confirmation of your scholarship and instructions for receipt of the scholarship will be included. Please note that we may not be able to provide assistance to all requests, and remember we are dependent on contributions to the Lezapalooza fundraiser. This fund is available to help defray the cost of registration only; you will need to arrange transportation to and from and have your own tent/camping gear. Registration covers all costs for events, meals only from our kitchen (see "what food is provided"), and entertainment. If needed, Lezapalooza will do another round of Scholarships. If we can do this we will announce it on our website and on our Instagram page.
  • Do you offer a BIPOC discount?
    We sure do. That discount is currently $25 off your ticket. Use BIPOC24 discount code at check out. NOTE: You can not use more than ONE discount code at check out. If you are purchasing more than one bipoc ticket or have another discount you need to use then you should email us at for a discount code that includes all discounts you need.,
  • Can I get to camp with public transportation?
    This question is tough to answer as we do not publish our camp location. Please email us with your address and we will do our best to answer this question.
  • Discount codes?
    Please note, discount codes cannot be stacked. Only one code can be used per purchase. If you are purchasing tickets for multiple campers and each has their own discount code, please buy the tickets one at a time to apply the necessary discount. If you cannot do this or are purchasing a platform or private cabin (and need to use multiple discounts) please email to get a unique code. Be sure to email Lezapalooza the name of the camper and why they got a discount code. Example 1: You need to purchase a tent ticket for yourself and another camper. Each of you are volunteers and received a discount code. Purchase each ticket separately. Example 2: You are purchasing a tent ticket, but you are doing multiple things at camp (like volunteering and being an event leader) email Lezapalooza to get a unique code IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY RECEIVED ONE Example 3: You are purchasing a private cabin and more than one camper in the cabin has a discount code. Email Lezapalooza for a unique discount code.
  • Are trans women loving women welcome?
    Absolutely 100% yes.
  • I'm Bisexual, pansexual, asexual etc. Can I come to this retreat?
    Heck ya! Thats what we mean when we say all WLW.
  • BUMBLE BEEs!?!?!?
    Yes. They are at camp. Our first year we had no issue and our second year we had several bee stings. Note that the weather will determine how active the bees are at camp. If you are allergic, please bring an epi pen and notify our nursing staff.
  • How physically accessible is camp?
    This site is hilly (sometimes steep), rocky and very muddy if it rains. There are steps to get into some buildings. Some buildings have a ramp. Some buildings are 5 minutes away from others on foot. Campers have expressed that it can be strenuous to get around. Our Red cabin has bottom bunks reserved in it for people with limited mobility OR people who need to be in the accessible cabin for some other reason. These are limited. We wish we did not have to limit the accessibility bunk tickets but we did not build this campsite and are working with what we have. We chose that cabin because it has a shower and bathroom in it as well as a ramp to the door. When purchasing a bunk in our accessible cabin, you will have the option of top or bottom bunk. If you are able to climb into a top bunk, then please purchase a top bunk and leave bottom bunks for those who cannot climb to get into a bunk. bunk bunk bunk AND insert top and bottom joke {here}. If you have questions about the terrain or would like to see some pictures to evaluate please reach out to us at
  • Can I arrive after registration closes?
    It is extremely important that all campers make every effort to arrive at camp by 6pm on Thursday and by 5pm on Friday. It is an inconvenience to our organizers and volunteers to have to register campers after registration has closed. That being said, we understand things can happen. Our hard deadlines are 7pm on Thursday and 9pm Friday. Any campers arriving after 6pm Thursday or 5pm Friday need to communicate that with our registration team at Any campers who cannot arrive before 7pm Thursday or 9pm Friday will need to also communicate that with registration at and you will need to wait until the next morning to arrive at camp.
  • What food is included in my ticket?
    Menu and food is currently TBD, but we will be serving the following: The plan at this stage of our organizing is as follows and is subject to change: Thursday night - Free dinner from Lezapalooza Kitchen. Friday night - Food trucks for you to purchase meals. Saturday morning - Free grab and go breakfast. No hot food. Saturday Night - Food Trucks for you to purchase meals. Sunday - Free brunch from Lezapalooza Kitchen You will receive a menu with all food to be served closer to the event. NOTE: You can bring your own grill to cook meals that we do not offer. If you do this, you must be responsible with whatever you are using to cook food. Let us prevent forest fires together.
  • I am a vegetarian or vegan. What are my options?
    Lezapalooza intends to provide one vegetarian option for each meal, when possible. However, we cannot cater individual meals. You can let us know when purchasing tickets (in the dietary section) if you have any allergies however ultimately it is your responsibility to determine if what we have for you is safe for you. You will receive a detailed menu before you arrive to camp. No vegan options are guaranteed. You can always bring any food you need, and we encourage everyone to bring additional food. You can bring a grill if you need to cook. Remember you cannot leave camp and reenter. You also can not have food delivered. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to contact us.
  • I have other special dietary needs. How can you accommodate me?
    If you have particular dietary needs, you must come prepared to provide for yourself. We will not be able to prepare individual meals, or provide food storage or cooking facilities. Some cabins have a fridge but do not count on that.
  • Can I bring a grill?
    Yes. You must use your grill responsibly. Any unattended grills will be shut off. We must prevent forest fires.
  • Can I bring alcohol?
    If you can drink responsibly then yes. NO GLASS BOTTLES. Note: If you puke in a cabin, you need to clean it up immediately out of respect for your other cabin mates. Do not puke in our trash cans. Scurry far into the woods. But don’t puke and behave. Anyone acting belligerently or unsafely will be politely asked to turn in for the night.
  • Details on cabins?
    Please look at the "Cabins" section of our website. Some videos of cabins are on our Instagram also. All cabins have electric. Each cabin has different amenities.
  • Do y’all sell alcohol though?
    In an attempt to keep our sober campers comfy, we do not serve alcohol.
  • Can I leave camp to grab food or a toothbrush or for any other reason?
    No. For all our campers' safety, campers cannot come and go. We keep tight tabs on who is and isn't at camp. If you leave camp, you are voiding your ticket and you cannot reenter. If you have an emergency that requires you to leave camp, please notify staff.
  • Can I bring my dog (or cat or hamster or ferret, etc.)?
    No animals can be brought to camp.
  • How old do I have to be to come to camp?
    This retreat is strictly 21+.
  • How are the bunks in the cabins?
    These bunks are constructed in various ways. They are 30" by 6 foot long. Some are on springs, and some are on plywood. All have a foam pad. We recommend bringing something to make your bed softer. A sleeping pad, a comforter or some memory foam... anything! All bunks are first come first serve in cabins. Some are double decker. We recommend our more agile campers take the top bunks so that those who are less able, can take the lower bunk.
  • Can I camp in my car?
    Yes. You must still purchase a ticket and we have an area for car/rv camping.
  • Can I bring my kids?
    This is a 21 and over space. Because we get asked this question so often, we are hosting a camping event called Pooza Jr. on June 14th and we are SUPER excited about it!! Follow our @poozajr instagram page for info!
  • I'm coming alone and nervous!
    We have only heard good things from our solo campers. We obviously cannot guarantee you will have a good time, but we design camp in a way that you certainly should! People at Lezapalooza are 10 times more friendly than in the real world. If you put yourself out there you are almost guaranteed to leave with friends. We have several testimonials from solo campers on our Instagram. We have SEVERAL testimonials from our solo campers, and you can view those on our Instagram.
  • What should I bring?
    You will receive a ‘What to Bring list’ at some point when you purchase your ticket or afterwards however each camper should thoroughly assess their own needs and bring any and everything that comes to mind. Suggested items include: cots or blow-up beds and bedding, sleeping bags, warm blankets, warm clothes (it can get cold at night in the country in September!), Toiletries, Flashlight/lantern, rain gear, allergy & other medications, special dietary items, coolers for beverages/additional food, CASH $50 in 1s and 5s to tip performers, games, sports equipment (softball gloves, etc.), folding camp chair and/or picnic blanket/ground cloth for outdoor music and activities, binoculars, suntan lotion, bug spray, water bottles, comfortable shoes, and earplugs.
  • Will there be ice?
    We will supply ice Saturday morning. If you need ice we ask that you only take what you need and leave the rest for other campers as we are only making one trip for ice per day.
  • Can I swim in the lake? Kayak?!
    You bet your hindquarters you can! Lots of good times are had at the lake. No one is permitted to swim alone. At least one other person needs to be swimming with you or at the shore watching you.
  • Is there somewhere I can shower?
    Yes. The red cabin has one shower available for only red cabin campers. The rest of the camp has two bath houses with 5 showers in each. Showers are limited to 5 minutes. You should be expecting very rustic shower situations.
  • Are there toilets?
    Yes, we have flushing toilets and outhouses. Outhouses are not super pleasant, however, they work! As far as the bathrooms go, you should be expecting rustic bathrooms BUT they are cleaned regularly throughout your stay, have running water and sinks! Welcome to camping!
  • Someone is going that I don't like… can you ask them not to?
    We all know the answer to this, don't we. Lezapalooza can not bar your ex from coming. I would suggest reaching out to them and making sure you are not buying tickets in the same cabin. This place is 200 acres, let's all get along!
  • I am not happy with someone in my cabin, what are my options?
    None. No options. Staff at Lezapalooza can not get involved with cabin squabbles. We are just simply too busy! Talk it out respectfully. If you feel ACTUALLY unsafe let us know.
  • Can I bring a camper/RV?
    Yes! And you can car camp. Just know that there are no electric, water or sewer hook ups. We also are very limited on those specific tickets.
  • How can I pay for a ticket?
    You can purchase a ticket with a credit or debit card only. Note this is different from years prior.
  • Can I bring drugs?
    Absolutely no man-made drugs are permitted at Lezapalooza. You will be asked to leave if we find out you have cocaine, meth, heroine, ecstasy, etcetera. Marijuana is legal recreationally in New Jersey - do what you will with that information. While smoking ANYTHING at camp you should be highly aware of where your smoke is blowing and move to a location where you aren't chucking clouds in other people's directions. No smoking in any buildings.
  • What comes included with my ticket?
    Campsite, Cabin, Cabin Bunk or Platform Tent Daily entertainment Nightly entertainment Use of Bath houses Use of all 200 acres Use of lake and available water crafts Bottled Water 1-3 Lezapalooza Kitchen meals Food trucks Friday and Saturday night to purchase meals Bonfire/s Fire wood Vendors Saturday and Sunday Archery Ax Throwing Arts n Crafts Ice
  • What do I need at the door of the event to enter?
    You need your photo ID and printed or digital ticket at the gate.
  • What about deaf accessibility?
    At this time we do not have an ASL interpreter for the event. However, we would be happy to try and accommodate any deaf campers as best as possible. Feel free to write us an email. Are you fluent in ASL and would like to help us at camp? Let us know!
  • Additional Information
    Please note, Lezapalooza (Host, Committee and Staff) can refuse entrance and/or continued entrance at any time for any reason. If you are refused a ticket by Lezapalooza prior to the event/entry you will get a refund unless you are refused entry due to not completing appropriate paperwork (Waiver & Vaccination Card with ID). If you are asked to leave during the event, refunding will be on a case by case basis and is not guaranteed. Campers who do not provide the necessary documentation for entry will NOT get a refund.
  • I have another question that you didn't answer. What should I do?
    Reach out via email to or DM us on insta @lezapalooza
  • Okay, now I'm interested in going. How can I learn more?
    Follow us on Instagram @Lezapalooza, like us on facebook and visit us at Tickets will be available for sale starting June 15th 2023. We will post updates regularly on all of these platforms and contact you through email if you are a camper. Expect regular emails with important information! Please take time to read any and all emails from us.
Lezapalooza 2024
Lezapalooza 2024
A retreat for WLW (including our non-binary family that find a sense of community in women centered spaces) that offers easy camping for a diverse collective of women to let their hair down, laugh, enjoy music, art and friendly competition.
Sep 27, 2024, 1:00 PM EDT – Sep 29, 2024, 3:30 PM EDT
North NJ-Address Provided to Ticket Holder
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